It is a new Micro-Business Assistance finance product introduced in early 2012 by Sherine Genevieve, the Founder of GIVERS LEAGUE. In September 2012 ‘Givers League International’ was incorporated in USA as a public charity with 501c3 status to serve impoverished communities across the world. Givers League will be incorporated in other countries as ‘Givers League (with country name here)’ in order to make this same Micro Forward model available to deserving hardworking people in impoverished communities.
It is the third, the latest, and probably the best model introduced when compared to the presently operating more common micro-business assistance models which are Micro Loans and Micro Grants.
In the MICRO FORWARDS model, the receiver becomes a giver and gives FORWARD through Givers League instead of becoming a borrower or a grantee as in the micro loans or micro grants models respectively. The micro-forward, when given to a deserving person, does not become a debt where the receiver is concerned, and does not incur any interest at all. It is neither a grant because the receiver does not just use it up for his or her purposes only, but commits to do some good deed in return by giving forward through Givers League to assist another deserving person in their same village or community.
The micro forward receiver agrees to be a giver from the 4th month onwards by starting to give back 1/24th of the principal micro forward amount received and settle everything fully in two years. They are encouraged to continue to be cheerful givers thereafter too by giving whatever small amount possible with a desire to see others in their own communities being helped with such monies continuously .
Micro Forward products could be money, material things, mentoring, training, or whatever that assists the poor to become self reliant, and not something that would just meet a temporary need of theirs.
Finance Micro Forwards: – money to start up or improve micro businesses in impoverished communities
– money to finance vocational training costs leading to employment
Material Micro Forwards: – material things that assist to start up or improve micro businesses
Service Micro Forwards: – generous givers of skills and knowledge would mentor and train freely
– assistance provided for community development projects